My Story

"Because if I can turn my life around and chase my dreams so can you"

My love for fitness and movement started early on, I was a very active child and fell in love with ice skating when I was just 3 years old. By the time I was 10, I got to compete across the UK and Europe.

But I wasn't always active, life shifted gears when I entered secondary school which brought other priorities and sports took a back seat. Fast forward to my early twenties, cue a dissatisfying office job and a gnawing feeling that something was missing...

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  • Get over your gym anxiety

    Stepping into a gym can be intimidating, especially if you're new to fitness or haven't been in a while. The fear of judgement, the uncertainty of how to use equipment, or feeling out of place can create anxiety. However it's important to realize that this is a common hurdle on the path to better health and fitness. By understanding these feelings and employing practical strategies, you can confidently conquer your gym anxiety and embark on a rewarding fitness journey.

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  • Master your mindset

    In the pursuit of success, our mindset plays a pivotal role. It shapes our beleifs, influences our actions and ultimately determines our outcomes. Developing a success-oriented mindset is not just about positive thinking, it involves intentional cultivation of mental habits and perspectives that empowers us to navigate challenges, seize opportunities and achieve our goals. Lets explore my tried and tested ways to that can help us master our mindset for success.

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  • Becoming more flexible

    Improving flexibility is a valuable goal for anyone looking to enhance their fitness and mobility. While it may seem like a challenging feat, developing greater flexibility is within reach with the right techniques and dedication. Typically you can start seeing noticeable improvements in flexibility in two to three weeks of consistence practice. Let's delve into effective strategies and exercises that will help you become more flexible and achieve greater range of motion.

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  • Fuelling your body

    Fuelling your body properly before and after workouts is essential for maximising performance, recovery and overall health. Nutrition plays a important role in every aspect of our well-being. From energy levels to skin health. What you eat directly impacts how you feel perform and even how you glow. Let's explore the significance of nourishing your body with the right foods to enhance your radiance from the inside out.

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